As always I am up entirely too late because my mind will not stop. It decides to go into creative overdrive at 2am and will not rest until its recorded.
Sometimes I feel like Time is my biggest threat in life, creatively and personally.... days, hours, months pass me by in what seems like minutes.
There are so many things I have yet to do and so many things that I have yet to experience while I'm young and full of energy, but that damn clock just keeps on ticking. So what happens is I avoid time, all the clocks in my house read differently, my car clock is an hour fast, I never wear a watch, so basically the only thing keeping me somewhat sane is my cell phone, which I also avoid when at all possible. Its terrible I know, we all march to the beat of a different drummer, and my drummer just don't move very fast. This is why I am not able to take many days off. A photographers busiest days are on the weekends and the week is spent editing, emailing, and calling. Don't get me wrong, it is completely worth every minute, but it isn't always easy. Its just one beautiful mess, and I love it!
In three weeks I am off to the city of sin for the WPPI Trade Show and Convention. I was lucky enough to receive the Hy Sheanin Scholarship for emerging photographers, which enables me to stay there for 8 days, 8 nights, plus airfare FREE! Woohoo! I plan to do a fashion shoot there at the Neon Sign Museum so if you are a model or makeup artist in Vegas reading this, please shoot me an email. I have a talented NY designer (De La Roche) who has agreed to lend me an outrageous gown for the shoot. Should be a good time!
As always, I leave you with a quote: "There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera. And, you will see the most glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed. Don't be bitter because you can't record it. Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is!" ~DeGriff
In fact, I am a true believer that the best moments in life aren't captured on camera... but instead captured within ones soul. ~dd