Tuesday, March 17, 2009


" Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers. the creatures of the commonplace. the slaves of the ordinary." ~Cecil Beaton

"What I lack in knowledge I make up for in enthusiasm..." ;) -dd

I would much rather be starving in a studio than comfortable in a cubicle. -dd

if you saw beauty in my eyes, remember that i was looking at you..." ~Jesh De Rox

There are many things in your life that will catch your eye
but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...

Life is your soundtrack.... choose it wisely and play it beautifully -dd


1 comment:

Chris Walter Photography said...

My Fav: "What I lack in knowledge I make up for in enthusiasm..."
So much truth to that, gotta make people believe, starting with yourself!

Thanks for the inspiration I am feeling very much the same tonight and more strongly than usual, but I am gonna make it or at least break it in the process! :D

My personal favorite quote: "If your not pushing yourself to excel your living a numb experience" Dean Karnazes